Manufacturing activities:

- Manufacturing of welded pieces up to
30'000 kg weight and dimensions 5'000 x 5'000 x 15'000 mm
- Machining of these welded pieces
- Surface treatment
- Thermal treatment
- (Complete manufacturing incl. assembly, if required)


Technological capabilities:

- Drawing documentation processing in CAD
- Communication and transfer of technical documentation through e-mail

Quality Assurance:

- Welding authorisation pursuant to DIN 18 800 part 7
- Welders' tests pursuant to ČSN EN 287 T1 (ČSN = Czech State Standard)
- Weld joint assessment pursuant to ČSN EN 25 817
- Non-destructive tests pursuant to ČSN EN 25 817,
specification pursuant to ČSN EN 571-1
- Quality management system complying with ISO 9001
- Certificates incl. marking transfer pursuant to ČSN EN 10 204 3.1B